Friday, September 5, 2014

celebrities as deities

Pop culture is like religion in the way that we praise celebrities and treat them like gods. We look to them as idols and follow their lives "religiously."

The image I chose is of Beyonce likened to Jesus.  Her face is superimposed on Jesus' body, with a halo in place behind her head and stigmata on her hands. Like many celebrities, Beyonce has great influence in pop culture; her opinions on things mean a great deal to her fans-- disciples-- and they would do almost anything for her. Celebrities are like religious icons in pop culture because they have these immense followings and therefore they have influence on how their fans behave, act, and think. Fanatics deify their favorite celebrities and treat them as these beings that are superhuman and not subject to things that us mere mortals have to deal with in our every day lives. 

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