Friday, September 5, 2014

In one week this class has encouraged me to not only consider the vast variety of ideas that individuals can adopt as religions, but to recognize what these different religions do for people. 

Religion, whether Catholic or Jedi, allows people to form connections over something much larger than themselves. Who's to say that the belief in Jesus Christ is to trump the belief in the "power of the force"? This class is an opportunity to not view religions as competing ideas of society, but rather to understand the complexities of people's ideologies and abilities to make personal choices about how they see and understand life. 

I am guilty of establishing hierarchies in religions, and disregarding something that historically has not been a common religion. Despite this, I'm eager to understand how people's affiliations and interests can establish a powerful and personal religion, in a not so conventional form. 

I'm interested in seeing how ideas made accessible through our current pop culture can offer meaning, purpose, and order to individuals. By this definition, yielding a meaningful and fulfilling religion. Who am I to question that?

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